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WidowLife Boxes of Comfort and Care

WidowLife Boxes of Comfort and Care arrive in God’s perfect timing – a little hug in the mail, reminding the widow that she has not been forgotten! These boxes are designed for specific grief points as she walks through the valley. Each box includes meaningful gifts and a WidowLife Magazine, filled with helpful articles, letting her know she is understood and not alone.

Contents of each box are subject to change.

box of comfort and care with book, magazine and candle
Flower Illustration

“Thank you so much for the precious gift! I was having an extremely difficult week, very emotional. This arrival of the gift was perfectly timed to remind me that I am not alone!” 

– Shellie –

Box of comfort and care - For You are with me - with picture frame magazine book and candle
BOX - 01

For You Are With Me

Perspective Ministries welcomes the new widow with utmost compassion to a community she never wanted to join. With sensitivity and understanding, the WidowLife Magazine provides guidance and encouragement from the promise of Psalm 23:4 “…even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me.”

BOX - 02

He Covers Me

By the sixth month, life resumes back to normal for friends and family, leaving the widow to forge her way, often alone. Shock and denial no longer act as a protective covering and she must embrace the pain of her great loss. This package of comfort and care arrives just in time with encouragement that she has not been forgotten.

Box of comfort and care - He covers me - picture frame blanket book and more
Box number 3 with picture frame book candle and tissue
BOX - 03

He Restores my Soul

The one-year anniversary of death is referred to as the Remembrance Day, and she certainly will remember! She will remember life with her husband before he died, as well as living life without him. The memories are bittersweet as she recalls the support of family and friends, along with a treasury of memories from her married life. Sending a box of love at this time will put wind in her sails for the next leg of the journey.

BOX - 04

He Anchors Me

Believe it or not, most widows are surprised that the second year is often harder than the first. The reality that she is in a completely new season of life is difficult to accept. The comfort and care in this package acknowledges the lingering pain while encouraging her that it won’t always hurt this much and that she will get to the other side of the valley.

Widow life box of comfort and care - He Defends Me - umbrella, candle, bag and more
BOX - 05

He Gives Me Rest

As the widow closes out the second year, this Box of Comfort and Care is a great reminder that most of the hard work of transitioning from wife to widow is behind her, and God is restoring the deepest places of her soul. Surely goodness and mercy will follow her all the days of her life, and He will keep His promise to “Give Her Rest.”
